Red Headed Woodpecker: 23"H X 7"W
Downy Woodpecker: 23"H X 7"W
Chickadee: 6" H X 13" W
Blue Jay: 22-1/2" H X 8" W
Robin: 24" X 7"
Cardinal:24" X 9-1/2"
1/2" or 3/4" plywood
Hand Held Sabre Saw
Other Parts:
To stand in the ground use one of the following options:
4 or 5 foot steel fence post and carriage bolt or a Wooden 2X2 Stake and a Lag Bolt
2002 Antique Gold
2023 Brown Iron
2043 Tangerine
2055 Autumn
2057 Quaker Grey
2083 Fire Red
2477 Denim
2478 Periwinkle
2505 White
2506 Black
Sealer: High-grade, non-yellowing, semi-gloss UV protected project sealer for outdoor protection (#POLYQT).