Add to your Miniature Light Nativity (pattern #WSET33) with this illuminated Shepherd and two Sheep.
Make this eye-catching display for your yard from plywood, black paint and low cost miniature lights. Step-by-Step instructions with complete light layouts are included on our full-size pattern. (Up to 63" tall)
WOOD: 3/4" Thick Exterior Grade Plywood (One 48" X 96" Sheet) (1) 2 X 4 X 42" Long Pine Board (used for displaying)
SAW: Hand-Held Jigsaw (Sabre Saw)
Parts: (4) Strands of 100-Count Clear Miniature Lights (1) Strand 50-Count Miniature Lights (2-1/2" Spacing between lights) (4) #YS18 - 18" Yard Stakes (1) Package #YSC2 - Yard Stake Clamps (1) #EYE3 Eyescrews
PAINT: Black Exterior Semi-Gloss Enamel
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