Description: Floral cover for mailbox post (Primrose and Bees)
62-1/2" tall x 32" wide
One 4' x 8' sheet of 1/2" or 3/4" thick exterior grade plywood
Hand-held Sabre Saw
Other Parts:
Ten #6 x 2" long flathead screws
Two 1/8" diam. x 6" long steel rods
Paints:White primer (#PRIMQT) for a base coat and the following suggested colors of acrylic paint or exterior semi-gloss enamel:
2011 Chrome Green
2027 Bright Yellow
2043 Tangerine
2048 Grape
2051 Copen Blue
2056 Berry Red
2057 Quaker Grey
2089 Navy Blue
2445 Green Sea
2447 Village Green
2449 Hydrangea Pink
2459 Crocus Yellow
2467 Wisteria
2471 Hunter Green
2478 Periwinkle
2481 Fucshia
2505 White
2506 Black
Sealer: High-grade, non-yellowing, semi-gloss UV protected project sealer for outdoor protection (#POLYQT).