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Print Catalog > Winfield Patterns  > Holidays  > Christmas Designs  > Nativities & Angels

White Designs
Small Silent Night Pattern A Winfield exclusive design!

Half the beauty of this popular, self-standing Nativity display is in the simpl... 

Small Silent Night Pattern Set Make all three of our small, self-standing white Nativity groups with this Money-Saving 3 Pattern Set!!! ... 
Medium Silent Night Pattern Now you can display our popular Nativity in a very eye-catching 2/3 LIFE-SIZE! At this size, Praying Mary and Joseph in... 
Large Silent Night Pattern Now you can display our best-selling white Nativity in your yard in full, eye-catching LIFE-SIZE!

This Winfield excl... 

Small Silent Night #2 Pattern (Shepherds) Eye-catching display of Shepherds and their sheep following the star to pay homage to the newborn King. The perfect comp... 
Medium Silent Night Pattern Set All three medium-sized Silent Night Nativity Patterns in one large
money-saving Pattern Set!

You get 2/3 life-s... 

Winter White Nativity Pattern Set


Full-size patterns to make this complete white silhouette s... 

Winter White Natvity Pattern Make our white silhouette style Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus as well as the Stable from this one full-size pattern. (50"... 
Large Silent Night Pattern Set Now you can make all three of our popular Silent Night Nativity yard displays in super eye-catching LIFE-SIZE from one m... 
One Piece Yard Nativity Pattern Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with this stylish one-piece Nativity display!

Cut out this easy-to-make pr... 

Three Kings on Camels Pattern Full-size pattern to make our white silhouette style Nativity Kings on their camels.

Cut this display out in one p... 

Stylish Nativity Pattern Set Special 3 Pattern Set of full-size patterns to make our stylish Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus plus our styli... 
Medium Silent Night Animals Pattern Animals for your Medium Silent Night Nativity display!

Whether you've displayed our popular Medium Silent Night Na... 

White Nativity Scene Pattern Set ~~Very Special Cost Saving 7 Pattern Set~~

Full-size patterns to make ... 

Three Kings Woodcraft Pattern Make these three stylish, self-standing Kings from our full-size patterns. Easy assembly--most pieces just slide togethe... 
Blessed Nativity Woodcraft Pattern Make this stylish, white holy couple plus baby Jesus in a manger from our full-size patterns. Easy assembly--most pieces... 
Small Silent Night Angels Pattern Angels for your Silent Night Nativity display!

Whether you've displayed our popular Small Silent Night Nativity fo... 

Two Shepherds Pattern Make these white silhouette style Nativity Shepherds to display in your yard this Christmas season.

Create an en... 

3D Nativity Pattern This exclusive design uses layers of 3/4" plywood to create realistic looking figures.

Full size patterns are incl... 

Humble Shepherds Woodcraft Pattern Full-size patterns to make both the standing and kneeling stylish shepherds and the standing and resting sheep. Easy ass... 
Peace On Earth Angels Woodcraft Pattern These three large angles each hold a word (strung on a rope) to make the message "Peace On Earth". This will be one yard... 
Medium Silent Night Angels Pattern Angels for your Medium Silent Night Nativity display!

Whether you've displayed our popular Medium Silent Night Nat... 

Small Silent Night Animals Pattern Animals for your Small Silent Night Nativity display!

Whether you've displayed our popular Small Silent Night Nati... 

Medium Silent Night #2 Pattern (Shepherds) Eye-catching 2/3 life-size display of Shepherds and their sheep following the star to pay homage to the newborn King. T... 
Large Silent Night Animals Pattern Animals for your Large Silent Night Nativity display!

Whether you've displayed our popular Large Silent Night Nati... 

Medium Silent Night #3 Patterns (Kings) Eye-catching 2/3 life-size display of the three Kings traveling from afar bringing gifts for the newborn King. The perf... 
Angel Pattern Make this white silhouette style Nativity Angel to display in your yard this Christmas season.

Create an entire ... 

GIGANTIC Angel Premium Woodcraft Pattern

This inspirational, giant-sized display is simple to cut out using only a jigsaw and simple to assemble because all p... 

Trumpeting Angels Woodcraft Pattern These classy gold and white angels add an elegant touch wherever you display them. Make them in just an afternoon using... 
Candlelight Angels Woodcraft Pattern Create a heavenly display in your yard this season with these stylish angels and their flickering candles. Our full-size... 
Nativity Camels Woodcraft Pattern Full-size patterns for both the standing and resting camels. Make them separate or combine them with the three Kings ava... 
Nativity Animals Woodcraft Pattern Make these three stylish Nativity animals to add to your Stylish Nativity Set. Full-size patterns for resting Goat, Cow ... 
Two Sheep Pattern Make these white silhouette style Nativity Sheep to display in your yard this Christmas season.

Create an entire... 

Large Silent Night Angels Pattern Angels for your Large Silent Night Nativity display!

Whether you've displayed our popular Large Silent Night Nativ... 

Stylish Nativity Pattern Set #2 Special 3 Pattern Set of full-size patterns to make our stylish Shepherds and Sheep, Nativity Animals, Angel and Star. (... 
Large Silent Night #2 Pattern (Shepherds) Now available LIFE-SIZE!!!

Complement your life-size white Nativity (project #W1540CY) with these ... 

Med/Small Peace On Earth Angels Wood Pattern These smaller versions of our Peace On Earth Angles (WC4) are perfect for those smaller places such as your front porch ... 
Cow and Donkey Pattern Make these white silhouette style Nativity Animals to display in your yard this Christmas season.

Create an enti... 

Large Silent Night #3 Patterns (Kings) Now available LIFE-SIZE!!!

Complement your life-size white Nativity (project #W1540CY) with these life... 

Poinsettia Angel Woodcraft Pattern Elegant, self-standing angel holds a poinsettia or holiday treats. This project slides apart for easy, space-saving stor... 
Caroling Angels Woodcraft Pattern These three caroling angels are a perfect yard display for this holiday season! One holds a candle, one a star and the o... 
Drummer Boy Wood Pattern Our Stylish Nativity Set is not complete without this little self-standing stylish character. He's easy to make from our... 
Angel and Star Wood Pattern Full-size patterns to make this stylish, white Angel and Holy Star. (The Angel is 52" Tall with a 47" Wing Span and the ... 
Holy Mother & Child Woodcraft Pattern Elegant, self-standing mother and child. This project slides apart for space-saving flat storage. Our full-size pattern ...